根据卫星的受力受力情况和卫星的运动状态可以建立卫星的运动方程。 实际确定卫星的轨道时通过数值积分得到卫星轨道的数值解。 数值积分需要卫星的初始状态(位置、速度)。初始状态一般通过一系列的观测值约束,经过数据处理,来精化卫星的初始状态值,最终得到高精度的卫星初始运动状态。
sestbl.主要得参数设置为: Choice of Experiment = RELAX. | ORBIT Update T/L files = T_AND_L
test 305 rinex jfs3050.17o chan3050.17o daej3050.17o shao3050.17o suwn3050.17o brdc brdc3050.17o igs igs19733.sp3 table …… table文件用sh_setup
sh_setup -yr 2017 305
sh_makexp -expt test -orbt igsf -yr 2017 -doy 305 -sess 0 -nav brdc3050.17n -jclock sp3 -apr lfile. -sinfo 30 00 00 2880
sh_sp3fit -f igs19733.sp3
sh_check_sess -sess 305 -type gfile -file <g-file>
makej brdc3050.17n jigsf7.305 igs19733.sp3
sh_check_sess -sess 305 -type jfile -file jigsf7.305
6、生成双差X文件 makex test.makex.batch
fixdrv dtest7.305
csh bbdst7.bat
$ orbdif
ORBDIF: Interactive input
Runsting: <Type> <Frame> <T_file1> <T_File2> <RMS File> <Plot> <Plot Ext>
Differences are T_File2-T_file1
Enter orbit file type T-Tile (T) or NGS (N)
Are T-Files Inertial (I) or Earth Fixed (E)
Enter name of T-File (A)
Enter name of T-File (B)
Enter RMS output file name
Interpolating Orbit files
interval 20
interval 40
interval 60
interval 80
interval 86
Enter the following options
0 to return to skip plot file making
1 to make a set of plot files of dx,dy,dz
2 to make a set of plot files of dr,da,dc
3 to make a set of plot files of vx,vy,vz
4 dN,dE,dU, and satellite ground track positions
Normal end of ORBDIF
ttongs tchkg7.305 sp3 chk fit itr97 fes2004 IGS05_1402 chk19733.sp3
Positional Errors (RMS in meters) between Two Orbits:
tchkg7.305 ( int:15.00min) vs. tigsg7.305 ( int:15.00min)
Overlapped Time Range: 2017 305 1.25 2017 305 22.75 total: 21.50 hours
PRN Total delta-X delta-Y delta-Z d-Radial d-Along d-Cross d-3D
1 0.26833 0.22330 0.33408 0.23351 0.09138 0.44740 0.08667 0.46476 2 0.21675 0.16998 0.27468 0.19132 0.08135 0.35694 0.08391 0.37543 3 0.28971 0.29570 0.27416 0.29866 0.10193 0.48602 0.07177 0.50180 4 0.93950 0.86116 0.76425 1.14990 0.49235 1.54747 0.04167 1.62726 5 0.59195 0.57633 0.54704 0.64792 0.38383 0.93943 0.14170 1.02528 6 0.41700 0.31898 0.50135 0.41058 0.15785 0.70262 0.05585 0.72227 7 0.82410 0.71466 0.81233 0.93102 0.50744 1.33214 0.09224 1.42738 8 0.37994 0.36755 0.38190 0.39003 0.12245 0.64660 0.01045 0.65808 9 0.29147 0.34692 0.27624 0.24127 0.08947 0.49622 0.02548 0.50485 10 0.22559 0.26078 0.22239 0.18763 0.12974 0.36530 0.05082 0.39073 11 0.49684 0.48898 0.59526 0.38355 0.26510 0.80894 0.13238 0.86055 12 0.71143 0.53429 0.68619 0.87298 0.38467 1.16885 0.08957 1.23224 13 0.36188 0.32337 0.38349 0.37583 0.12656 0.61346 0.02330 0.62680 14 0.50357 0.42987 0.45804 0.60511 0.18832 0.85057 0.02303 0.87221 15 0.94055 1.06915 0.92855 0.80537 0.47177 1.55645 0.03686 1.62909 16 0.34995 0.33714 0.35206 0.36027 0.16965 0.57705 0.07085 0.60614 17 0.46648 0.37784 0.42828 0.57150 0.27333 0.75928 0.04878 0.80796 18 0.29637 0.39630 0.26311 0.19293 0.14446 0.49272 0.02941 0.51332 19 0.44295 0.45312 0.35322 0.50846 0.16394 0.74756 0.04797 0.76722 20 0.50611 0.69423 0.28488 0.45313 0.32562 0.81183 0.04237 0.87661 21 0.45456 0.40781 0.41315 0.53186 0.20097 0.76092 0.06087 0.78732 22 0.52029 0.44322 0.49707 0.60712 0.23124 0.86926 0.04187 0.90117 23 0.64727 0.79259 0.59411 0.52509 0.32764 1.06979 0.02337 1.12111 24 0.14687 0.12066 0.18791 0.12181 0.12733 0.21417 0.05068 0.25438 25 0.08415 0.09965 0.08681 0.06146 0.05533 0.12211 0.05690 0.14575 26 0.41093 0.41984 0.41284 0.39986 0.15882 0.69249 0.04423 0.71175 27 0.45998 0.40876 0.41376 0.54447 0.16342 0.77976 0.01363 0.79670 28 0.11271 0.12033 0.11580 0.10110 0.05093 0.17541 0.06817 0.19522 29 0.98331 1.22239 0.82247 0.85440 0.50230 1.62699 0.03932 1.70314 30 0.39993 0.36931 0.41103 0.41771 0.14332 0.67607 0.04630 0.69270 31 0.54272 0.47710 0.53662 0.60666 0.36499 0.86162 0.07567 0.94001 32 0.49996 0.51999 0.39216 0.57072 0.19598 0.84314 0.02366 0.86596
MEAN 0.51421 0.52248 0.48124 0.53726 0.26258 0.84845 0.06260 0.89063
问题解决 一、makexp生成session.info文件无卫星信息
sh_makexp -expt test -orbt igsf -yr 2017 -doy 305 -sess 0 -nav brdc3050.17n -jclock sp3 -apr lfile. -sinfo 30 00 00 2880
二、Neither T- nor G-file available (Name tigsf7.305)
方法二、生成tigsf7.305 通过arc, bctot, ngstot, sh_bctot, sh_sp3fit等生成 例如:
ngstot igs19733.sp3 tigsg7.305